Infraray BICStest free of charge!
Infraray BICS offers a holistic solution for your IT infrastructure - from network management, network discovery & visibility, to asset management and network security.
Get the free demo version here!
You can experience the benefits of Infraray BICS completely free of charge and without obligation.
Our tool enables you to efficiently manage and monitor your network technology, so that you are always in control of your IT infrastructure. You get a comprehensive ITOM solution that gives you a clear view of your network environment.
Our free demo version offers you, among other things:
Discovery of all network and end devices
Event/Alarm Management
Graphical network topology
User friendly dashboard
Module: Network Discovery & Visibility
Rely on Infraray BICS to optimize the security, efficiency and performance of your network infrastructure.
Modular BICS Suite for managing heterogeneous IT infrastructures
Network Discovery & Visibility
So you always have your network in view. BICS provides a complete overview of all devices and endpoints, including categories – controlled via a modern web-based user interface
Network Management
BICS provides ways to manage an IT network, ensure availability and function, and monitor individual network components. Our software offers features such as VLAN Management, Syslog Analyzer and Real View Device Details.
Network Security
BICS provides numerous features to protect a network from unauthorized access: This starts with alerts about newly connected devices (PSM: Port Security Manager) and extends to the monitoring of data streams (flows) with regard to deviations from conventional communication patterns.
Asset Management
BICS manages all available information of devices on the network (type, names, IP address, ports, connections and other available information that can be retrieved via network protocols) as part of network management.
Use cases
A selection of implemented projects

Easy management of 15,000 devices and 350,000 ports
Group-wide transparency across the entire network!

Security and compliance for hundreds of savings bank networks
Central monitoring and control for every Sparkasse savings bank in Germany.

90% service cost savings thanks to Infraray
At Berliner Wasserbetriebe – with the help of Infraray BICS.